Transition Year Online Parent Teacher Meeting
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We will hold our Second Year online PTM on Thursday 3rd of March from 3:30pm – 5:15pm. Please find below the information you need to book your time slots for each teacher. All information has been sent in an email to you al
To book in:
- Go to or scan here
- Click on Parent/Guardian login
- Enter the roll number: 76475D - use a capital D
- Enter your Child's Student ID - provided by tutor - if not received please email your child's tutor.
Please find User Manual link to guide you below:
Online Parent Teacher Meeting updated letter.docx
Parent Teacher Meeting Organiser User Manual.docx
- As this is a new platform where we will host our Parent Teacher meeting in a Virtual Setting, we thank you in advance for your patience. For families with twins/triplets, we will be in touch also. Should you have any difficulties, please contact :
Thank you