Green schools
Swords Community College Green Schools Committee are committed to making our school a greener and more environmentally aware place. We do this by meeting regularly, organising litter pick-ups, placing signs around the school and keeping track of our litter and waste to identify ‘black spots’.
We were awarded with our first Green Flag for Litter and Waste on the 5th of October 2021. We were presented this award by Fingal County Council and Green Schools for all the hard work our students have done in school to cut down on litter and waste.
Students peer taught each other how to recycle properly and we ran competitions throughout for the cleanest classroom. We allocated more bins around the school and our Green Schools Committee volunteer to litter pick around the school. We invited two local TD's Duncan Smith and Joe O'Brien to our flag raising ceremony. We had a great morning celebrating and we are working hard on our next flag.