Teaching and Learning is the core business of Swords Community College.We are a Tradigital college, which means we blend modern innovative technologies with the best of traditional teaching methodologies.This leads to a variety of approaches, which ensure that our learners are challenged, nurtured, motivated and successful.Our approach to Teaching and Learning puts the learner at the centre of the educational experience, developing independent learning skills, which are needed for college and life beyond.
The curriculum available in Swords Community College is based on the syllabi of the Department of Education and Skills.The core subjects are English, Irish, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Modern European Language (French or Spanish), Religious Education, CSPE, SPHE and PE.
Options are determined by student demand and the range of teaching subjects among staff.These subjects currently include; Art, Technology, Home Economics, Music, Woodwork, Technical Graphics, Business Studies. Short courses such as Coding and Performing Arts are also offered.